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What is a thesis viva

What is a thesis viva

what is a thesis viva

Feb 09,  · A viva voce is an oral test, which literally translated means ‘with the living voice’. It’s a focused discussion giving you the opportunity to defend your PhD thesis in front of a panel of academic experts. The chair of the viva is usually the internal examiner, although it can be an independent person Once the thesis is read by both internal and external examiners, an oral (or viva voce) examination will be held, generally around 8 weeks after the thesis has been submitted to Graduate Studies. The examination is chaired by the Head of Department and should last about two hours and the internal and external examiners may ask questions on any aspect of the thesis and the theme with which it deals Jun 17,  · Viva voce is a Latin phrase most often translated as “by word of mouth.” In academic circles, it’s an oral exam where you defend your thesis. In academic circles, it’s an oral exam where you defend your blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins

Thesis and Viva - Sociology - Trinity College Dublin

The thought of the viva voce looming can be a huge source of stress and anxiety for many, although there are some who just blossom in such situations. With decent preparation and practice, you too can successfully master your viva. After the thesis is defended, it is discussed by a small circle. Among those present are, of course, the examining professors, but there may also be research assistants, members of the relevant department or even fellow students, what is a thesis viva.

The purpose of such a defense is to show the examiners how familiar you are with your research topic, that you have internalized what you have learned and know how to apply it, what is a thesis viva. In effect, it shows that you are well prepared to enter into academic discussion.

Its advantage is, however, that you can clear up any ambiguities, assuage any doubts your examiners may have, and show that your stand by your research. After so many hours bent over your desk, night shifts and endless discipline — time to celebrate! And then you get an invitation to the viva …. Your supervisor should already know what to expect — and the purpose of the viva is to present your results, what is a thesis viva. Some people just hand in their thesis with huge relief and then put the whole thing out of their mind for a while.

You need to check the examination regulations of your institution thoroughly to find out what is going to be required of you in your viva. How long should the presentation last, is there any information about the type what is a thesis viva presentation, who will be present, how is the discussion group what is a thesis viva at what is a thesis viva end?

Studies have shown that anxiety is significantly lessened if you know exactly what to expect. You should take advantage of this. You should also think about what you want to wear on the day and whether you want to produce a handout.

As far as clothing is concerned, you should be guided by the subject and how your supervisor dresses. If they always what is a thesis viva a suit, you can assume that they attach importance to formal dress. A handout can sometimes be useful even if it is not explicitly required. It shows your examiners that you have thought about their convenience, and makes it easier for them to follow the structure of your presentation. The most popular way of making a viva presentation is PowerPoint.

Before you even start working on the content, it really helps to make sure you are familiar with how PowerPoint works. This is a serious presentation, and your slides should reflect this.

Unnecessary and distracting elements will detract from the seriousness of the points you want to make. Use a uniform font and a neutral preferably white background. In general, the rule for such presentations is: Keep It Simple. Slides which are crammed with text make people irritable, and distract from the important aspects. Room for interpretation can what is a thesis viva very dangerous here. Naturally, it depends on the preferences of the examiners, but a little more text than in normal presentations is definitely allowed.

If the nature of your work allows, graphics, photos or flowcharts are a good way to offer some variety and to clearly present complex issues, what is a thesis viva. Make sure you know what to do if something goes wrong, and make as many back-up plans as you can. Like your thesis, your viva PowerPoint presentation should follow a certain structure.

It is advisable to follow the structure of your thesis. After all, you have already given it a lot of thought and made sure that everything is in a logical context. This way you can save yourself additional work. But remember — the presentation is not about retelling your thesis word for word. Just give the most important and interesting aspects.

Your thesis dealt in depth with a particular question, a specific aspect of research. In the first part of your viva PowerPoint presentation you introduce it and explain why it is relevant. What is the benefit for academic understanding, the general public, a specific avenue?

Why this question in particular? This allows you to show your audience why you chose your topic and why they should pay attention to what you have to say. This is where you set out the background of your research question in more detail, i. the most important theories and approaches that already exist on the topic, what is a thesis viva, or which prompted your question. This helps your listeners prepare for any complex interrelationships, and clarifies the basis on which you have built your work.

In this part you set out how you approached your work. Was your research qualitative or quantitative? Did you conduct interviews, analyze data, evaluate a particular body of literature?

This is your chance to show your examiners how carefully you worked and explain why you chose this particular method. Now to present the results of your research. Were there any surprises? If so, how did you deal with them? Are the results consistent, where did you encounter difficulties, and how did you solve them?

Use this section to talk about your research in a transparent and honest way. At the end, summarize your work clearly and concisely, and answer the research question posed at the beginning. You can also express your personal opinion as to whether you have achieved the result you expected or whether your research has come to a surprising conclusion. Whether you have to present your sources at the end of your viva is something to discuss with your supervisor or read up in the regulations.

Since every viva is different, there is no universally applicable example of a great PowerPoint viva presentation. A quick search online, though, will bring up numerous examples of well-structured and convincing PowerPoint presentations in your field. You can find inspiration in them, and perhaps model your own presentation on them, but of course your presentation will be unique, adapted to your research question and your audience. Make sure that your narrative path is clear throughout the presentation as it was in your thesis.

It might be possible to ask your supervisor to show you good viva presentation example from previous years or to give you tips on where you should focus your attention. Almost there! The same friends and family can be amazingly useful as a practice audience. Giving your presentation a few times for yourself and for others in a relaxed environment will help you to feel more confident in your official presentation.

Stand upright or sit if you need to. A small amount of movement can emphasize your engagement with the subject, but try not to look restless. Small gestures can underline your words, but too much fidgeting will look like nerves.

Practising giving your presentation will soon get your body language expressing ease and confidence. Many people tend to speak far too quickly in presentations, probably to get the whole thing over as quickly as possible.

This what is a thesis viva understandable, what is a thesis viva, but means the audience misses half your words! Try to breathe calmly and speak evenly. And taking a proper breath in between phrases will help ground you. Your test audience can give you very good feedback here. When you practice your presentation, use a stopwatch to make sure that you stay within the given limits.

The best strategy is generally to memorize a few key points and otherwise speak freely. Take a deep breath before you start and remember that you have no reason to be nervous. Nobody knows the topic of your work as well as you do, you have done a lot of research and are now an expert in the field. If the examiners seem receptive to it, a little small talk before you start can help you to relax. And once you start, remember that you have practiced and are well prepared to give an impressive viva presentation!

That really depends on your content, Habib. They key is to make sure it has a clear and easy-to-follow structure. Your email address will not be published. Menu Skip to content. Stay Connected Search. June 17, Firstly, though: what exactly is a viva? Viva presentation. Use our tips to give a successful viva. Comments Details Join the conversation! Patrick Mucunguzi November 16, at Tom Becker-Schweitzer February 26, at Charles June 22, at Kovilen Coolen April 1, at Trish April 7, at Habib May 30, at Tom Becker-Schweitzer July 14, at Abdullah July 3, what is a thesis viva, what is a thesis viva Dissanayake July 4, at

Preparing For Your Dissertation Defense (Viva Voce): 9 Questions You MUST Be Ready For (+ Examples)

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What is a viva at university? – AnswersToAll

what is a thesis viva

Jun 17,  · Viva voce is a Latin phrase most often translated as “by word of mouth.” In academic circles, it’s an oral exam where you defend your thesis. In academic circles, it’s an oral exam where you defend your blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Feb 02,  · In the most generic terms, viva voce (aka. viva) is an oral examination that takes place at the very end of your PhD programme. It’s compulsory for essentially all PhD students. It’s compulsory for essentially all PhD students Once the thesis is read by both internal and external examiners, an oral (or viva voce) examination will be held, generally around 8 weeks after the thesis has been submitted to Graduate Studies. The examination is chaired by the Head of Department and should last about two hours and the internal and external examiners may ask questions on any aspect of the thesis and the theme with which it deals

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