Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Socioeconomic status and education essay

Socioeconomic status and education essay

socioeconomic status and education essay

 · Socioeconomic Status and Access to Postsecondary Education Joshua J. Trader Delta College A person’s education is closely linked to their life chances, income and wellbeing (Battle and Lewis ). In a world that is continuously changing, access to postsecondary education plays an important role into where and how we find a career and where we want to Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Education Education is an essential aspect of the social and mental well-being of any society. Parents are always constantly searching for the best schools for their children (Siraj and Aziza 69). For quite a long time, numerous studies have tried to deduce a positive connection [ ]  · Effect of Socioeconomic Status to Education. I. Introduction Thesis Statement The learning of Lasallian students are affected by the inflexible relationship between education and socioeconomic status. A. Background of the Study 1. The Socioeconomic Classes in the Philippines According to National Center for Economic Statistics (), when Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins

Socioeconomic Status, Sample of Essays

Education is an essential aspect of the social and mental well-being of any society. Parents are always constantly searching for the best schools for their children Siraj and Aziza For quite a long time, numerous studies have tried to deduce a positive connection between money, social class, and education.

Jean Anyon, the author of the essay From Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work, clearly lists five different types of schools and the education the students obtain basing on the economic levels of their parents. Well-to-do parents take their children to better schools.

These better schools are better because of the parents income and social status Weis and Nadine The experiences as explained by Mike Rose in his essay I just Wanna be Average corroborates Anyons ideas on the correlation between social class and the kind of education offered.

Mike Rose, in his essay, describes his learning experiences at a school by the name Our Lady of Mercy. It was located in the middle-class neighborhood of Los Angeles, socioeconomic status and education essay. He describes most of his teachers as being under qualified and mediocre. He recounts his years in the vocational school which he refers to as the bottom level classes. He talks of his parents ignorance and their socio-economic status. His parents, he says did not involve themselves with his education just like many other working class parents, socioeconomic status and education essay.

He notes The current spate of reports on the schools criticizes parents for not involving themselves in the education of their children Rose Rose further talks of his parents economic status explaining how inefficiently educated his father was while his mother was a waitress. Mike Rose explains the socioeconomic status and education essay and behaviors of his fellow schoolmates, and this clearly shows the economic background that they belong. Most of their parents belonged to the working class level of income in the society.

According to Anyons sample schools and the social class that they belonged to, Mike Roses school clearly fits in the working class category. Anyon states that the working class category of schools had most of the parents having blue-collar jobs, and less than a third of the fathers were skilled with majority doing socioeconomic status and education essay or semi-skilled jobs Anyon This perfectly matches Roses parents and the jobs that they do.

The society that Rose came from was a mixed one with parents of different economic backgrounds as evident in the description he gave of his friends and schoolmates. Rose talks of a mediocre school administration that mixed up his test results with another student with the same name.

The error goes undetected which makes him stay at the vocational level for two years. This is typical of a working class level school as explained by Anyon in her description of what a working class school looks like.

The teachers do not seem to take their work with any hint of seriousness. Rose explains how several of his teachers earn an extra coin through engaging in part-time jobs after school. He talks of his Sophomore English teacher, Mr.

Mitropetros who managed a parking lot besides teaching Rose As Anyon described, most of the working class schools lack enough resources and funds due to the economic status of the parents and this can be seen in how Roses teachers struggled with side jobs to get some extra income. Mitropetros, as described by Rose, was one of the teachers that gave him his worst experiences in school. Anyon explains that in a working class type of school, the work is following steps of a procedure.

The procedure, socioeconomic status and education essay, she describes, is usually mechanical and involving rote learning behavior with very little choice or decision making Anyon Anyon says that the teacher rarely explains why an assignment is given or the ideas behind the procedures given.

This is the case with Mr, socioeconomic status and education essay. Socioeconomic status and education essay, Roses English teacher who was not sufficiently trained to teach. He simply socioeconomic status and education essay them the districts required text to read. He has no work plan of his own as evident when for the whole twenty weeks, the learners read and re-read the same text Rose This is purely rote learning without the teacher explaining the rationale behind the reading the same text throughout the school term.

Roses best experiences came when Jack MacFarland started teaching at Our Lady of Mercy. That was the period after Roses father had died of a stroke, socioeconomic status and education essay. According Roses description of MacFarland, he had a passion for teaching and was adequately trained as he had a masters degree. He was unlike all the other teachers that Rose describes. His method of teaching was not rote as he gave them a test after every reading to gauge his students.

Despite his physical appearance, he was a dedicated teacher who took his socioeconomic status and education essay seriously. Rose says that they used to read a book every two to three weeks and wrote three or four essays per month Rose He was a sharp contrast of Mr. Also, MacFarlands lectures were well crafted as he was organized and knew what he was doing. Jack MacFarland managed to reform many of his students.

Rose states Here was this egghead, for Gods sake, keeping some pretty difficult people in line Rose Socioeconomic status and education essay the notorious of all, such as Mike Dweetz and Steve Fusco were put in line by MacFarland.

He had a significant impact on Roses life as he started reading again. Despite not being MacFarlands best student, his positivity re-ignited Roses interest in creating stories and reading once more. He was more of a role model as well as a mentor to Rose.

He says that MacFarland gave him a special way to feel about his mind. Of all the influences, MacFarland had on Roses life, inspiring him to go to college and doing all he could to ensure that he secured a place at Loyola University was invaluable.

Just like Mike Rose, my experiences at Gage Middle School appears to conform to Anyons views regarding the relationship between working-class level schools and the quality of education offered. Gage Middle School is found in the working-class neighborhood of Huntington in The Southeast, Los Angeles.

This was a society comprised of a majority of people doing blue-collar jobs in industries and the public sector. Most of the people owned small businesses, and the incomes were relatively low. Anyon notes that in a working-class type of schools, teachers do not call upon students to perform experimental activities in most of the science classes Socioeconomic status and education essay This seems to be the case with one teacher I can recall; her name was Ms. Her science classes were the most boring class I have ever attended, socioeconomic status and education essay.

She would simply come to class, sit down and start dictating notes. Samantha was a young teacher at her early twenties. She rarely touched the board. We always assumed that she did not want to get her nails messed up by writing on the board, socioeconomic status and education essay.

The science syllabus recommended numerous experiments of which we did none yet she always brought hard quizzes once in a while. We never got socioeconomic status and education essay explanations for what we wrote in our books.

Most of the times she would just read out the notes without giving any explanations and at the end of the lesson she got out without saying a word. Just as Anyon explained, socioeconomic status and education essay we reached an experiment oriented topic, she gave us the list of requirements for the experiment and told us to go through it at home till the next class Anyon This was appalling as most of us failed the science subject.

Then came Mr. Rowland, who taught us English and literature. His style of teaching was more of the executive-elite kind of schools basing on Anyons views on the five types of schools.

Despite ours being a school located in a working class community, socioeconomic status and education essay, Mr. Rowland seemed not to be influenced by the social status of where we belonged.

His methods of teaching were so much contrasting other teachers ways. He did not adopt a rote learning method that other teachers were fond of but instead, he was an in-depth kind of a teacher who gave us knowledge and ensured that we understood what we were learning. Just as Anyon explained in regard to executive elite schools, Mr.

Rowland taught us English literature in a manner that we gained deep knowledge and he allowed us to use the knowledge to make analytical observations of the society Anyon He facilitated the practicability of what we learned in class as he always gave us case studies to analyze basing on the knowledge we acquired during class lessons. He was a favorite teacher to many as he made school meaningful to us as opposed to many other teachers we had. In conclusion, Roses experiences seem to match my experiences with teachers in the working class type of schools, socioeconomic status and education essay.

My experiences with Ms. Samantha is quite similar to what Rose experienced with some of the teachers he describes such as Mr. The schools located in working class communities are mostly under-staffed, and if there are enough teachers, most of them are under-trained Biddle My case of Mr.

Rowland is quite similar to Roses experiences with Jack MacFarland. Various experiences as put forward by Rose are what are experienced in most of the schools located in working class neighborhoods. The parents are the ones who finance the schools and the higher their income, the better the schools will be.

Thereby, through my personal experiences and Roses experiences as he described, Anyon is justified in stating that socio-economic status greatly determines the quality and type of education one will get. Anyon, Jean. Biddle, Bruce J. Social Class, Poverty, and Education: Policy and Practice. New York: RoutledgeFalmer, Rose, Mike. New York: Free Press, Siraj, Iram, socioeconomic status and education essay, and Aziza Mayo. Social Class and Educational Inequality: The Impact of Parents and Schools.


, time: 2:18

The Socioeconomic Status and Education - Essay Oven

socioeconomic status and education essay

Socioeconomic Status is mostly defined as a combined measurement of the work experience of an individual’s or their family’s economic and social state in relation to others based on their income, their education, and their current blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins  · Socioeconomic Status And Education Essay. Socioeconomic status can be defined in terms of family wealth and assets as well as educational background. For this reason, many comparisons can be made between socioeconomic status and education. Furthermore, academic achievement and the level of education reached by an individual, is determined by  · Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Education Education is an essential aspect of the social and mental well-being of any society. Parents are always constantly searching for the best schools for their children (Siraj and Aziza 69). For quite a long time, numerous studies have tried to deduce a positive connection

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