Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Essay on ms office

Essay on ms office

essay on ms office

Importance of Ms Office. In , a new concept was created by Microsoft Corporation to merge different software applications into a suite package allowing users to navigate and share resources between applications. Microsoft Office Suite was introduced, tested and released for certain government offices MS office has given us a proper platform for viewing and creating files which are related to office work and documents which are important in offices on daily basis, it has also allowed us to do proper presentations by creating slides and present our work in front of multinational companies in a way that they can't deny our deal, MS office was made by keeping in mind that it should be Explore a big database【WITH NO SIGN UP】– % FREE Microsoft Office Essay Examples All popular types of essays Argumentative, Persuasive, Analysis & Research Papers

Microsoft Word Essay | Bartleby

The contemporary business world is characterized by a high level of competition. Various individuals and groups have engaged in conducting business. This builds up the level of competition as businesses engage in the production of relatively the same goods and services.

This therefore calls for application of strategic measures to keep pace with the competitive market situation. For the sake of this assignment, I will give a critical analysis of Microsoft Company. Microsoft is a well known company. It was founded in by Bill Gates. The company came into being following combined ideas from Bill Gates and Paul Allen, individuals who had interest in computers and programming in particular.

The company started as a small organization whose operations were only local. It was later that Bill Gates developed the idea of programming languages and tried some applications that became essay on ms office although initially faced with some challenges Kumar, It was in that the Microsoft Company was registered in Mexico City.

The company picked so well and this enhanced its growth and development. It was not after long that the company was in a position to extend its operations, essay on ms office, selling its products locally as well as internationally. The company grew day by day and developed more advanced and desirable programming languages such as FORTRAIN and COBOL Kumar, This increased the demand for Microsoft products and hence the need for Microsoft Company to enhance its production strategies to meet the demand.

It for instance started an office in Japan in From this time there was emergence of new developments that put the company at a better position in the market. A major development was that of MS DOS, which paved way to other advanced programs like the windows. It was in the year that Microsoft Corporation changed its name to Microsoft Inc Kumar, Microsoft operates in the software industry, essay on ms office.

It provides a lot of products and services that are aimed at satisfying the needs of customers in the software industry. In addition to this, the company has diversified its operations in other fields in an effort to enhance its competitive advantage.

This includes Microsoft games which have gained considerable application among people. The industry in which Microsoft operates is highly competitive mainly because of the effects of technological developments making it a necessity to be extremely alert to capture and implement everything new in order to satisfy the ever changing demand of the market.

The industry is also characterized by new entries as people and groups wish to be as successful as Microsoft Company Kumar, To deal with the competition, Microsoft has engaged in production of products that are of high quality. The company also engages in strategies that are geared towards improving the quality of its products every now and then to satisfy the changing demands of the market.

This has been made possible through research and development programs. This is an effort that has bore positive fruits for example attraction of a lot of customers and maintaining their loyalty. Microsoft is involved in provision of a wide range of products and services to its customers, essay on ms office. The major line of business is however in the provision of software related products and services. The company is involved in the provision of servers, office, hardware, windows live, software, Microsoft store and mobile devices among others.

Apart from being involved in provision of products, Microsoft has also invested a lot in services provision. Some of the services include, Skype, Microsoft advertising and Microsoft Online services among others Microsoft, The provision of these products and services has been the main source of profit to the company.

Essay on ms office in turn helps in placing the company in a good essay on ms office in the market as it is an indication of good performance, an aspect that is desired by all organizations as well as customers.

Generally, Microsoft have performed relatively well over the past years. This has greatly increased the level of competition in the industry thus necessitating that Microsoft engage in even more strategic measures. A major threat is for example the Linux program which has gained a lot of favour from the customers.

This will be made possible through extensive research. Different companies have different competitive strategies and thus they secure different market positions in the market, essay on ms office. Microsoft is competitive enough in its industry of operation and it has secured a good position in the market. Various aspects have been attributed to it competitiveness. For instance, its management is a source of its competitive advantage.

There is quality leadership at Microsoft. Election is usually fair. The share holders have the duty of electing the board of directors, essay on ms office. The board of directors is then supposed to hire the presidents, vice-presidents, top executives, treasurer and the secretary. The workforce in Microsoft is very rich in terms of skills and knowledge, making the company to do well in its business operations both locally as well as internationally Johnson, To begin with, the company has a broad global brand.

The company has the largest software developer which has a good reputation all over the world. It has a big customer base which is located all over the world. All the products in the Windows line are successful. Therefore, the company has managed to retain its existing customers as well as attracting more. This has contributed to the tremendous growth of the company. Microsoft has offices located in different parts around the world. These offices are strategically situated in strategic positions, essay on ms office.

For instance, the company has offices in Korea, Europe, China and Germany. This has promoted the availability of its products throughout the world avoiding unnecessary shortages. For instance, the company has recently ventured in other areas like essay on ms office design and developing.

This provides a wide range of opportunities to the company. The company has managed to provide free emails and news to its customers. In addition, it has managed to develop software that is very useful in organizing business spreadsheets and data. This comes at a time when the demand for such software has risen with increased essay on ms office for efficiency in the contemporary business world. As already noted, Microsoft has been in the market for a long time. Since its development, the company has recorded good performance.

Earlier this year, the company closed its fiscal year in optimistic results. This was an eight percent increase over the last one year. The success has not been attributed to a single aspect but rather a combination of factors. For example a strong brand that is well known all over essay on ms office world. This has enhanced the level of sales and hence increased productivity and profitability. Despite the essay on ms office that Microsoft Company has got considerable strengths and opportunities, it is not without some weaknesses and threats.

For instance, most of its products are not effectively compatible with many hardware and software produced by other companies. Another weakness of the company is that it has not managed to develop an effective client and service support in the internet. This denies its customers important services in case problems and bugs occur. Competitors are a threat to the Microsoft Company.

Many companies have engaged in the business of provision of software and other computer related services. This therefore necessitates that Microsoft Company establish and implement strategic measures aimed at maintaining its competitiveness to avoid losing its customers to the competitors. All in all, it is evident that the company has tried to overcome the threats and weaknesses through the reinforcement of their strengths and opportunities.

Information technology is a resourceful tool in an organization. It has been used by various organizations to secure a large share in the competitive market. Effective utilization and implementation of information technology enables an organization and the workforce to be reliable in provision of services to the consumers.

This is because it enhances efficiency, effectiveness and economy, an aspect that is extremely crucial in the achievement of high levels of productivity and profitability.

Microsoft Company has recognized information technology as a strategic asset and thus, it incorporates it in almost all its practices and processes. One area in which information technology has found application in the company is the accounting section. The company has recognized that information technology can help in solving the problems that were associated with the traditional method of accounting. Information technology has also been used as a strategic essay on ms office tool.

Some of the information technology related issues in Microsoft include; Business Application Support, clients services, messaging services, enterprise services, global technology services, corporate security among others Rasmus, Microsoft is one of the leading companies that have achieved success through utilization of information technology including advertisement and reaching out clients and suppliers.

From the above discussion, it is evident that Microsoft Company has performed well over the past and has managed to secure a competitive market position.

Its success essay on ms office attributed to a variety of factors for instance a strong management body, an established brand name, strong and experienced workforce and utilization of information technology among others, essay on ms office. Although it essay on ms office some weaknesses and it faces some threats, it has been able to overcome this and its financial performance has been excellent over the past.

Johnson, N. Microsoft Adds Record Number of Employees, Rules Out Acquisitions. An overview of Microsoft and History of Windows. Top Products. Rasmus, W. Building Strategic Advantage through IT. Microsoft Business Insights.

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Microsoft Company - Words | Essay Example

essay on ms office

Microsoft office Differences between Microsoft office word, power point and excel. Student name: Course name: Professor’s name: Date due: January 2, Before we look at the differences between the different products in the Microsoft office suite we will start by Explore a big database【WITH NO SIGN UP】– % FREE Microsoft Office Essay Examples All popular types of essays Argumentative, Persuasive, Analysis & Research Papers Importance of Ms Office. In , a new concept was created by Microsoft Corporation to merge different software applications into a suite package allowing users to navigate and share resources between applications. Microsoft Office Suite was introduced, tested and released for certain government offices

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