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Essay on empowerment of women

Essay on empowerment of women

essay on empowerment of women

Dec 24,  · Women Empowerment Essay 6 ( Words) Introduction. Women Empowerment is a term used to indicate steps taken for improving the status of women in society. It refers to their social, political, educational, medical, economical and other forms of improvement. It is very essential for women to be provided equal and opportunities as that of Dec 24,  · In this essay of women empowerment we have discussed the topic role of women in society. This topic is the most common topic now-a-days which school students are generally assigned during the exams or essay writing competitions. We have provided various essays on same topic under different word limits for the school students Mar 06,  · Women's empowerment has become the need of the hour. India is aiming to become one of the largest economies in the world and women empowerment can become a deciding factor in it. In this article, you can find an essay on women empowerment

Women's empowerment - Wikipedia

In this essay of women empowerment we have discussed the topic role of women in society. This topic is the most common topic now-a-days which school students are generally assigned during the exams or essay writing competitions. We have provided various essays on same topic under different word limits for the school students. Women play variety of significant roles in our society from their birth till the end of life. Even after playing her all the roles and all the job timely in essay on empowerment of women manner in the modern society, she is weak because men are still strongest gender of the society.

Even after lots of awareness programmes, rules and regulations in the society by the government, her life is more complicated than a man. She has to take care of herself and family members as daughter, granddaughter, sister, daughter-in-law, wife, mother, essay on empowerment of women, mother-in-law, grandmother, etc.

By following such a big responsibility in the family, they are fully able to come out and do job for bright future of own, family and country, essay on empowerment of women. Women are considered as the goddess in the Indian society from the ancient time however it is also true that they are not treated as goddess. They are being ill-treated for many years and used just as things to fulfil the wishes of men. Considering them as goddess is not enough to give them full women empowerment in the society; however it needs positive continuous effort and participation of both men and women to really bring women empowerment.

They are the highly responsible for the successful continuation of essay on empowerment of women life on this planet.

Earlier they were considered as only wives and mother who have to cook food, clean home and take care of the whole family members alone. But, now the condition has been improved a little bit, essay on empowerment of women, they have started taking part in the many activities other than family essay on empowerment of women kids. The way of behaving, thinking and doing of women is completely different from the men so we can say that women are physically, physiologically and psychologically not equal to men.

But women are more responsible than men in various means like child-bearing and child-rearing. The tradition and culture of women lifestyle in India is coming as usual for many years without any change however in terms of rights of women, it is so bad and backward than other countries. Women are treated differently than men in terms of rights and dues in many Indian societies even in the modern world.

Men have dominating nature over women in various perspectives. It is the matter of think that if women are given all the same facilities like men and force them to be free from all the home responsibilities and think like men then why not it is possible for women to be like men psychologically in every areas of life.

Earlier women essay on empowerment of women limited to home works only and not allowed to go outside to perform social works like men. But things are getting essay on empowerment of women now; women are being aware of their rights and understanding well the dominating nature of men over their whole life. If we compare the current status of women than the ancient time, we can say that really the condition is improving gradually.

Women are being professional, bread-earners for their families and an independently thinking individual of the country even after only being responsible for many responsibilities of the life. Traditional Indian women have started proving themselves more skilled and competent in many professions than men. And, essay on empowerment of women, day by day the situation is improving fast by breaking all the barriers of the way.

The Indian government also has played great role in the women empowerment by implementing various rules and regulations. The ancient time trends such as female foeticide, dowry deaths, early child marriage, domestic abuse, child labour, sexual harassment, etc have been banned by the government which has really improved the women status in the society.

From her birth till her end of life, she plays various roles as a daughter, sister, wife, mother and other relationships. However, her main roles are as a wife and mother. The status of women in urban societies is better however in various rural societies it is still worse because of lack of proper education and education system. A woman give birth to a baby and considered to be only responsible for her essay on empowerment of women regarding care, education, job, etc for whole life.

She never demands anything in return of her roles instead she performs her roles politely all through the life without any argue. Women in modern Indian society are really forward if we compare them from the ancient time but if we talk about the women empowerment, we can say that not really women are empowered in all areas. Even after being so forward, women need to go for long way defeating hard circumstances.

Women have gained lots of influence in various fields until balance between two genders. We can say that women have more freedom than earlier however not true in many cases because prejudice still remains in the society. In many places, women are still treated as inferior sex and forced to handle only house hold chores. Some women in the society love to follow the old traditions of the family and perform traditional female role by being housewife and mother.

They live their whole life as general helpers to their husbands and kids. It has been in the usual practise for a woman by birth to handle home and stay unemployed at home. Some women from the society of high living status are keen to get employed like men in the future because they have been lived in the society having higher level of thoughts like that. They are never ill-treated in their family and always promoted to do better in life like men.

However women in the backward society, where people only mean to earn food of two times daily, never understand their rights and responsibilities like men, essay on empowerment of women. All the differences are just because of the lack of proper education and education system in that area. Women need to realize their roles towards their society and country together with their roles at home which is possible through the continuous effort, gender equality and women empowerment.

People are being more advance in their behaviour and thoughts towards the women rights and empowerment. Women play a great role in the growth and development of the society and making it an advanced and modern society. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.

Because it is true that, if a man is getting educated and empowered, only he can be benefitted however if a woman is getting educated and empowered, whole family and society can be benefitted. Women are not things which can be neglected because of their less power and authority instead they should be empowered and promoted to get higher education. Women are the half population of the world mean half power of the world.

If women of any country are not empowered mean that country is lack of half power. Essay on empowerment of women nature, women play their all the roles with great responsibilities and have capability to make a essay on empowerment of women family, solid society and powerful country. Lots of efforts have been done however still women are backward and limited to home activities.

We need to understand that if an uneducated woman may handle home properly then why not a well educated woman can lead the whole country like men. Without woman nothing is possible for men, they are basic unit of the society, they make a family, family make a home, essay on empowerment of women, home make a society and ultimately societies make a country.

So the contribution of a woman is everywhere from taking birth and giving birth to a child to the care for whole life and other areas. All the roles and responsibilities of the women can never be neglected by the societies. Without education and women empowerment no development is possible in the family, society and country.

Women know well how to talk, how to behave, how to deal with people of different classes, etc. She knows to handle all the situations because she knows well the basic fundamentals of a good society and play her roles politely as a main contributor in building a strong society.

Earlier, when the lives of women were worse than slaves, women were considered as animals and used as sex toys. It was a sin for women to give birth to a girl baby, essay on empowerment of women, either they were killed, buried alive or thrown away by the male head of the family. However, the condition has become advance now in many means but not completely. Women Empowerment.

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Always believe in hard work, essay on empowerment of women, where I am today is just because of Hard Work and Passion to My work. I enjoy being busy all the time and respect a person who is disciplined and have respect for others.

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Women empowerment essay writing in english

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Women empowerment

essay on empowerment of women

Mar 06,  · Women's empowerment has become the need of the hour. India is aiming to become one of the largest economies in the world and women empowerment can become a deciding factor in it. In this article, you can find an essay on women empowerment Dec 24,  · Women Empowerment Essay 6 ( Words) Introduction. Women Empowerment is a term used to indicate steps taken for improving the status of women in society. It refers to their social, political, educational, medical, economical and other forms of improvement. It is very essential for women to be provided equal and opportunities as that of The growing injustice towards women had to be minimized and these schemes are the solutions to the major problems related to women in India. Aspirants should also know that Women Empowerment Essay is a probable choice in UPSC Mains. So making use of these schemes, aspirants can easily draft a good Women Empowerment Essay

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