Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Essay about united nations

Essay about united nations

essay about united nations

The origins of the United Nations began seventy years, here, in the United States. “ In , representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the United Nations Conference. Each delegate deliberated on the proposals by the representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States at Dumbarton Oaks starting in August of The United Nations is an organisation which was set up in to replace the League of Nations. The organisation has established a charter which states the core beliefs and purposes for the UN are global world peace and security, human rights, disarmament, humanitarian and health crisis' and sustainable development  · United Nations Organisation Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding Ambit – a sphere of operation or influence; range; scope Homogeneity – diversity Convoluted – extremely complex and difficult to follow Outstripped – to leave behind; outrun Mandate – an authoritative command or instruction Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

The United Nations Essay - Words | Bartleby

United Nations is an international organization, established in after the Second World War following the dire consequences of the First and the Second World Wars. Although the First World War led to the establishment of the League of Nations in order to promote international peace and security, it failed to prevent the occurrence of the Second World War.

To overcome the flaws in the League of Nations, the United Nations was formed on 26 Junewhen the Charter of the United Nations was signed by member states. The functions of the United Nations as stipulated in the Article 1 include maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly essay about united nations among nations, promoting international cooperation in problem solving and harmonization of the collective responsibility of the nations Auden,p.

This essay examines the role of the United Nations in maintenance of international peace and security, and its effectiveness as empowered by the charter. The Charter of the United Nations Article 24 empowers the Security Council to exercise the functions of the United Nation.

The Security Council has prerogative of determining peace and security status of the member states by ensuring that every member has equal rights of protection. The Security Council should discharge its functions as stipulated in chapters VI, VII, and XII in the Charter of the United Nations. Essay about united nations VI of the United Nations Charter deals with Pacific Settlement of Disputes. The Security Council identify, investigate and recommend appropriate procedures of addressing situations that may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security to the International Court of Justice Novak,p.

The Security Council will use all means to make sure that all its members are protected against any threat to peace or an aggression.

In chapter VII, the United Nations Charter empowers the Security Council to ensure that any regional arrangements that involve maintenance of the international peace and security essay about united nations comply with the United Nations purposes and principles. Since the United Nations Security Council is responsible for the maintenance of peace and security worldwide, then any issues related to peace and security are of great concern lest they threaten peace and security of others.

Political nature of the General Assembly and the Security Council hinder the effectiveness of the United Nations in fostering international peace and security. The resolution of conflicts and disputes depend on the political orientation of the General Assembly, Security Council and member states thus complicating the issues.

The decision to invade Iraq was formulated politically by George Bush and Tony Blair to deceive the world that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. This shows that the main reason for Iraq invasion was political rather than a security reason. The split of the Soviet Union was due to political influence of the United Nations.

The main reason for the establishment of the United Essay about united nations was save the world against horrible consequences of war. Horrible experiences of First and Second World War made the world leaders to come together and think of various ways of preventing the future occurrence of war. The United Nations in its Security Council arm is fostering international peace and security through legal procedures, diplomacy and military peacekeeping.

With this noble responsibility, the United Nations experiences essay about united nations political pressure as they maintain international peace and security.

Auden, H. The United Nations Charter. Human Rights Journal, 22 3 : Baruch, B. Cold War. Global Security. Browne, M. United Nations Peacekeeping: Issues for Congress. The Library of Congress, 6 2 : International Court of Justice The Charter of the United Nations. Miller, T. Peace Treaties and the United Nations. Chicago : University of Chicago Press. Novak, essay about united nations, G.

The Security Council: United Nations. Journal of Human rights3 1 : 5. Prados, J. The Iraq War: U. and British Documents Give No Indication Alternatives Were Seriously Considered, essay about united nations. National Security Archive. Simon, essay about united nations, T. International Peace Security: Basic Charter Provisions, essay about united nations. United Nations Review34 9 : Smith, P. The Expositional Journal12 1 : Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?

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The United Nations Explained - Casual Historian

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United Nations and International Peace - Words | Essay Example

essay about united nations

The origins of the United Nations began seventy years, here, in the United States. “ In , representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the United Nations Conference. Each delegate deliberated on the proposals by the representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States at Dumbarton Oaks starting in August of The United Nations is an organisation which was set up in to replace the League of Nations. The organisation has established a charter which states the core beliefs and purposes for the UN are global world peace and security, human rights, disarmament, humanitarian and health crisis' and sustainable development  · United Nations Organisation Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding Ambit – a sphere of operation or influence; range; scope Homogeneity – diversity Convoluted – extremely complex and difficult to follow Outstripped – to leave behind; outrun Mandate – an authoritative command or instruction Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

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