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Digication ePortfolio :: SASSY :: ESSAY: Michel Foucault and the Docile Body
My research and teaching reflect an interest in the dynamic nature of language, visual imagery, docile body thesis technology. I am particularly interested in how people negotiate digital spaces to connect with and exclude others, docile body thesis. My research about online dating has been featured in The ConversationSalonVoxBoise State Public Radioand the podcast Learning More. Docile body thesis can find my scholarly research in Visual CommunicationNarrative Inquiry, The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogyand The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities.
June 1, Learning More Podcas t. April 9, A giant bed for three, finding lovers on Gumtree and foursomes: I love my polyamorous lifestyle. Irish Sun Times. February 21, Polyamorous relationships under severe strain during the pandemic. February 11, The Conversation. November 6, Love, delayed. August 13, Exploring How Covid Shifts Our Relationships. Docile body thesis it Real Webinar.
June 3, Survival Dating. May 14, docile body thesis Boise State Public Radio News. January 25, The cost of social media: Mental health is worth more than followers and likes. The Western Front. September, Using Veedback in the Classroom. innovativeprofs TopHat. November 22, Fostering divergent opinions and encouraging free speech on campus. Talk Radio KVI November 10, College campuses are vital for critical conversations. Seattle Times. My talks and workshops draw on the latest research about digital communication, language and power, online dating, representing the self online, and teaching in digital environments.
You can expect to learn about timely concerns related to communicating and connecting in the digital world and get helpful tips for navigating different environments on topics such as these:. Talks and workshops are customized and can be either virtual or in person. Docile body thesis 21, — WA State History Museum. December 14, — Grit City Think and Drink.
October 11, Scholarly Selections Series, Washington History Museum, Tacoma, WA. December 14, The politics of women making the first move on Bumble: Online dating, gender norms, and managing women through online talk.
Grit City Think and Drink Series, Tacoma WA. August 11, Dating in the digital age across the generations. Franke Tobey Jones Educational Series. Tacoma, WA. January 27, Connecting digitally: Using social media to connect during the pandemic. Franke Tobey Jones Educational Series, Tacoma, WA. May 21, Researching the quest for love, lust, and connection during the time of COVID SIAS Brown Bag Speaker Docile body thesis, Tacoma, WA. May 25, The Constructed Self of Online Dating. Washington State Library Series at the Washington Corrections Center for Women, Gig Harbor, WA.
December 7, docile body thesis Dating in the Digital Age: Swiping, Liking, and Selling the Selfie.
February 28, Championing Critical Conversations about CollegeCulture Goal: Lightening Talk, docile body thesis, UW Tacoma, WA. February 1, UW Impact: Common Ground Series, Seattle, WA. July 8, Steilly Con. Workshop Facilitator, Making Mini Comics.
Steilacoom School District, WA. Thompson, R. Sociolinguistics Symposium conference rescheduled due to COVID. JuneHong Kong, China. and Collins, M. From the medieval to the digital, and back again: Multimodality, innovation, and adaptationCADAAD-Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines International Conference, Aalborg University, JulyAalborg, Denmark.
Louie, B, Thompson, R. Transformation of Interdisciplinary Teacher Educators: Collaborating to Develop Online Teacher Training for the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science StandardsAERA — American Educational Research AssociationAprilChicago, IL. What not to wear: Governing women through fashionCADAAD — Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines International Conference, University of Minho, Julydocile body thesis, Braga, Portugal.
Watson Conference- The New Work of Composing, University of Louisville, docile body thesis, October Louisville, KY. Responding to the online journal interest form: Screwed up, but working on itRhetoric Society of America, MaySeattle, WA. P icking up the thread: Answering the call to converse on mental health forumsNZDC — New Zealand International Discourse Conference, The University of Auckland, DecemberAuckland, NZ. Oct 21, — Scholarly Selections at WA State History Museum.
I am a recognized academic and public scholar dedicated to educating people about improving their communication strategies and digital literacies so they are empowered to find connection and belonging in the worlds they wish to inhabit.
In press. More than the selfie: online dating, non-monogamy, normativity, and linked profiles on OkCupid. Journal of Language and Sexuality. Vasquez Ed. Using Social Media as a Source of Data and Community Building. Doing Qualitative Research in a Digital Worldedited by Trena M. Paulus and Jessica Nina Lester, 1st edition, SAGE Publications, Inc. English Language and Multimodal Narrative. Knight Eds. Disruptive practice: Multimodality, docile body thesis, innovation and standardisation from the medieval to the digital text.
Evans Eds. De Gruyter Mouton. Using a Multimodal Approach to Make Literature Engaging. CLELE Journal7 1. Writing through Comics, docile body thesis. Burger Ed. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. Screwed up, but working on it: Dis ordering the self through e-stories.
04/01/2020 ZOOM Lecture #1 (Per 1): Foucault's Discipline_Docile Bodies
, time: 58:07Docile bodies? Foucault, neoliberalism and FE learner identities - Enlighten: Theses
Michel Foucault & the Docile Body DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes. Michel Foucault is to this day is regarded as ''one of the great French contemporary philosophers," as quoted by Pierre Mauroy, the Prime Minister of France, in the New York Times () Docile Body Thesis One-Stop Solution For Cheap Essays Online! Moreover, we offer the diverse type of Docile Body Thesis benefits when you choose Docile Body Thesis our cheap essay writing service USA. When you use our service, you are placing your confidence in us which is why we would like to inform you that all our benefits are free of charge! Docile Body Thesis order form! Provide sufficient details and upload all relevant materials to help the writers determine what you need. Do My Philosophy Homework. Do My Physic Homework. Do My Psychology Homework. Do My Science Homework. Do My Statistics Homework. Take My Online Class For Me
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