Edith Stein was born in Breslau (now Wrocław, Poland), Lower Silesia, into an observant Jewish family. She was the youngest of 11 children and was born on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Hebrew calendar, which combined to make her a favorite of her mother. She was a very gifted child who enjoyed learning, in a home where her mother encouraged critical thinking, and she We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow blogger.com more Die Liste deutscher Dissertationen mit Plagiaten enthält Doktorarbeiten bekannter Personen an deutschen Universitäten, in denen nachträglich in erheblichem Umfang Plagiate entdeckt worden sind. Sie umfasst nur Fälle, in denen es ausdrücklich wegen des Plagiats zur Aberkennung des akademischen Grades oder zum Verzicht auf den Titel kam.. Liste (Beispiele)
Implicature (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Edith Stein religious name Saint Teresia Benedicta a Cruce OCD ; also known as Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross or Saint Edith Stein ; 12 October — 9 August was a German Jewish philosopher who converted to Christianity and became a Discalced Carmelite nun.
She is canonized as a martyr and saint of the Catholic Church ; she is also one of six co-patron saints of Europe. She was born into an observant Jewish family, but had become an agnostic by her teenage years, andreas kasper dissertation. Moved by the tragedies of World War Iinshe took lessons to become a nursing assistant and worked in an andreas kasper dissertation diseases hospital.
After completing her doctoral thesis at the University of Freiburg inshe obtained an assistantship there. From reading the life of the reformer of the Carmelite OrderSaint Teresa of Ávila[4] Edith Stein was drawn to the Christian faith. Andreas kasper dissertation was baptized on 1 January into the Catholic Church. At that point, she wanted to become a Discalced Carmelite nun but was dissuaded by her spiritual mentor, the abbot of Beuron Archabbey.
She then taught at a Catholic school of education in Speyer. As a result of the requirement of an " Aryan certificate " for civil servants promulgated by the Nazi government in April as part of its Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Serviceshe had to quit her teaching position. Edith Stein was admitted as a postulant to the Discalced Carmelite monastery in Cologne on 14 October, on the first vespers of the feast of Saint Teresa of Avila, and received the religious habit as a novice in Apriltaking the religious name Teresia Benedicta andreas kasper dissertation Cruce Teresia in remembrance andreas kasper dissertation Saint Teresa of Avila, Benedicta in honour of Saint Benedict of Nursia.
She made her temporary vows on 21 Apriland her perpetual vows on 21 April The same year, Teresa Benedicta a Cruce and her biological sister Rosa, by then also a convert and an extern tertiary of the Order, who would handle the community's needs outside the monasterywere sent to the Carmelite monastery in Echtandreas kasper dissertation, Netherlandsfor their safety, andreas kasper dissertation.
In response to the pastoral letter from the Dutch bishops on July 26,in which they picked up the treatment of the Jews by the Nazis as a central theme, all baptized Catholics of Jewish origin according to police reports people were arrested by the Gestapo on the following Sunday, 2 August They were sent to the Auschwitz concentration campwhere they died in the gas chamber on 9 August Edith Stein was born in Breslau now WrocławPolandLower Silesiainto an observant Jewish family, andreas kasper dissertation.
She was the youngest of 11 children and was born on Yom Kippurandreas kasper dissertation, the holiest day of the Hebrew calendarwhich combined to make her a favorite of her mother. By her teenage years, however, andreas kasper dissertation, Stein had become an agnostic, andreas kasper dissertation. Though her father died while she was young, her widowed mother was determined to give her children a thorough education and consequently sent Edith to study at the Andreas kasper dissertation Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Breslau.
At age 19, Stein moved with her family to Breslau to a house bought by her mother, which she later described in her Autobiography. Today Edith Stein House hosts a museum dedicated to the history of the Stein family. In AprilStein arrived at the University of Göttingen in order to study for the summer semester with Edmund Husserl.
By the end of the summer, she had decided to pursue her doctoral degree in philosophy under Husserl and chose empathy as her thesis topic. Her studies were interrupted in July because of the outbreak of World War I.
She then served as a volunteer wartime Red Cross nurse in an infectious diseases hospital at Mährisch Weißkirchen in andreas kasper dissertation InStein moved to the University of Freiburg in order to complete her dissertation on Empathy. Her dissertation entitled Das Einfühlungsproblem in seiner historischen Entwicklung und in phänomenologischer Betrachtung [8] The Empathy Problem as it Developed Historically and Considered Phenomenologically [9] [a] was awarded a doctorate in philosophy with the summa cum laude honor.
Her rejected habilitation thesis, Beiträge zur philosophischen Begründung der Psychologie und der Geisteswissenschaften [12] Contributions to the Philosophical Foundations of Psychology and the Human Scienceswas published in the Jahrbuch für Philosophie und phänomenologische Forschung in While Stein had earlier contacts with Catholicism, it was her reading of the autobiography of the mystic Teresa of Ávila during summer holidays in Bad Bergzabern in that prompted her conversion and eventually the desire to seek the life of a Discalced Carmelite, andreas kasper dissertation.
Baptized on 1 Januaryandreas kasper dissertation, and dissuaded by her spiritual advisers from immediately seeking entry to the enclosed and hidden life of a Carmelite nun, Stein obtained a position to teach at the Dominican nuns' school in Speyer from to While there, Stein translated Thomas Aquinas ' De Veritate Of Truth into Germanfamiliarized herself with Catholic philosophy in general and tried to bridge the phenomenology of her former teacher, Husserl, to Thomism.
She visited Husserl and Heidegger at Freiburg in Aprilthe same month that Heidegger gave a speech to Husserl on his andreas kasper dissertation birthday. In she became a lecturer at the Catholic Church-affiliated Institute for Scientific Pedagogy in Münsterbut antisemitic legislation passed by the Nazi government forced her to resign the post in In a letter to Pope Pius XIshe denounced the Nazi regime and asked the Pope to openly denounce the regime "to put a stop to this abuse of Christ's name.
As a child of the Jewish people who, andreas kasper dissertation, by the grace of God, for the past eleven years has also been a child of the Catholic Church, I dare to speak to the Father of Christianity about that which oppresses millions of Germans.
For weeks andreas kasper dissertation have seen deeds perpetrated in Germany which mock any sense of justice and humanity, not to andreas kasper dissertation love of neighbor, andreas kasper dissertation.
For years the leaders of National Socialism have been preaching hatred of the Jews. Everything that happened and continues to happen on a daily basis originates with a government that calls itself 'Christian'. For weeks not only Jews but also thousands of faithful Catholics in Germany, and, andreas kasper dissertation, I believe, all over the world, have been waiting and hoping for the Church of Christ to raise its voice to put a stop to this abuse of Christ's name.
Is not this idolization of race and governmental power which is being pounded into the public consciousness by the radio open heresy? Isn't the effort to destroy Jewish blood an abuse of the holiest humanity of our Savior, of the most blessed Virgin and the apostles? Is not all this diametrically opposed to the conduct of our Lord and Savior, who, even on the cross, still prayed for his persecutors? And isn't this a black mark on the record of this Holy Year which was intended to be a year of peace and reconciliation?
We andreas kasper dissertation, who are faithful children of the Church and who see the conditions in Germany with open eyes, fear the worst for the prestige of the Church, if the silence continues any longer. Her letter received no answer, and it is not known for certain whether the Pope ever saw it.
Stein entered the Discalced Carmelite monastery St, andreas kasper dissertation. Maria vom Frieden Our Lady of Peace in Cologne -Lindenthal in October and took the religious name Teresia Benedicta a Cruce Teresa Benedicta of the Cross.
In Cologne she wrote her metaphysical book Endliches und ewiges Sein Finite and Eternal Beingandreas kasper dissertation, which attempted to combine the philosophies of St.
Thomas Aquinasandreas kasper dissertation, Duns Scotus and Husserl. To avoid the growing Nazi threat, the Order transferred Edith and her sister, Rosa, who was also a convert and an extern sister of the Carmel, andreas kasper dissertation, to the Discalced Carmelite monastery in Echtandreas kasper dissertation, Netherlands.
There she wrote Studie über Joannes a Cruce: Kreuzeswissenschaft "Studies on John of the Cross : The Science of the Cross", andreas kasper dissertation. In her testament of 9 June [15] she wrote:.
I beg the Lord to take my life and my death … for all concerns of the sacred hearts of Jesus and Mary and the holy church, especially for the preservation of our holy order, andreas kasper dissertation, in particular the Carmelite monasteries of Cologne and Echt, as atonement for the unbelief of the Jewish People, and that the Lord will be received by his own people and his kingdom shall come in glory, for the salvation of Germany and the peace of the world, at last for my loved ones, living or dead, and for all God gave to me: that none of them shall go astray.
Stein's move to Echt prompted her to be more devout and even more observant of the Carmelite rule, andreas kasper dissertation. After having her teaching position revoked by the implementation of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil ServiceStein quickly eased back into the role of instructor at the convent in Echt, teaching both fellow sisters and students within the community Latin and philosophy. Even prior to the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, andreas kasper dissertation, Stein believed she would not survive andreas kasper dissertation war, going so far as to write the Prioress to request her permission to "allow [Stein] to offer [her]self to the heart of Jesus as a sacrifice of atonement for true peace" and made a will.
Her fellow sisters would later recount how Stein began "quietly training herself for life in a concentration camp, by enduring cold and hunger" after the Nazi invasion of the Netherlands in May Ultimately, she would not be safe in the Netherlands. The Dutch Bishops' Conference had a public statement read in all churches across the nation on 20 July condemning Nazi racism.
In a retaliatory response on 26 July the Reichskommissar of the Netherlands, andreas kasper dissertation, Arthur Seyss-Inquartordered the arrest of all Jewish converts who had previously been spared. Along with two hundred and forty-three baptized Jews living in the Netherlands, Stein was arrested by the SS on 2 August Stein and her sister Rosa were imprisoned at the concentration camps of Amersfoort and Westerbork before being andreas kasper dissertation to Auschwitz, andreas kasper dissertation.
A Dutch official at Westerbork was so impressed by her sense of faith and calm, [17] he offered her an escape plan. Stein vehemently refused his assistance, andreas kasper dissertation, stating: "If somebody intervened at this point and took away [her] chance to share in the fate of [her] brothers and sisters, that would be utter annihilation.
On 7 Augustearly in the morning, Jews were deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp. It was probably on 9 August that Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, her sister Rosa, and many more Jewish people were killed en mass in the gas chambers. Stein's development as a philosopher is frequently divided into three periods: an early, phenomenologicala middle, comparative and a late, Christian In reality the same factors work themselves out throughout her work and propels it forward: 1.
a profound understanding of and commitment to the phenomenological method andreas kasper dissertation taught by Husserl and Reinach; 2. a deep sense of responsibility to the other for what we believe and 3. an acceptance of my own inability to form a complete, andreas kasper dissertation, meaningful worldview without divine assistance.
The three periods are best understood as stages of integration of these three factors, with Stein's baptism New Year's Daymarking a decisive step on the way and her entering Carmel 14 October marking another. Stein's dissertation on empathy was according to her own account an attempt to fill a gap in Husserl's work. In her autobiographical Life in a Jewish Familyshe recalled that he took empathy to be the crucial act in which intersubjectivity was established, but nowhere detailed exactly what was meant by it.
She therefore wanted to undertake this task and thereby clarify this crucial idea for the development of the phenomenological movement. While working as Husserl's assistant she edited Husserl's manuscripts of what was later to be published as Ideas II and IIIandreas kasper dissertation, and in the process came to understand the extraordinary importance this andreas kasper dissertation has for our constitution of the intersubjective world, andreas kasper dissertation, and in particular for the objects studied by psychology and the humanities.
When she resigned from her position as Husserl's assistant, the phenomenological constitution of those objects: the psyche and the spirit, it was thus the first work she undertook. The result was the two treatises of Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanitiespublished in Husserl's Jahrbuch Psychic Causality and Individual and Community.
From this period also dates Introduction to Philosophy, An Investigation Concerning the State, and very importantly Freedom and Grace. Encouraged to study and compare Thomas Aquinas' philosophy with that of the phenomenological movement, andreas kasper dissertation, Stein embarked on a translation project of Aquinas' De Veritatewhich was to be published in two volumes in The work, which translates Aquinas' way of thinking into a modern German idiom and restyles it as a contemporary academic treatise, andreas kasper dissertation that Stein engaged with Aquinas' thought as andreas kasper dissertation phenomenologist, i.
as someone interested in the matters discussed andreas kasper dissertation Aquinas, as distinct from providing an interpretation of Aquinas' thought or writing in prolongation of it as a thomist. The most important works from this period are 'Husserl and Aquinas: A Comparison', in which she discusses the differing methodologies of Husserl and Aquinas and accounts for their differences, Potency and Actin which she attempts a phenomenological investigation of 'potency' and 'act' and the twin work of anthropology: The Structure of the Human Person.
Philosophical Anthropology and What is the Human Being? Theological Anthropology the second volume remains a highly developed draft rather than a completed work, since Stein's lectures were canceled in During this period she also lectures on women's education and vocation and on education in general to very large audiences and andreas kasper dissertation great acclaim. In these lectures, published in ESGA 13 and ESGA 16, she works out andreas kasper dissertation herself the important questions concerning social type and essence, andreas kasper dissertation, which find a fuller development in The Structure of the Human Person.
The first task Stein was assigned in the monastery was the writing of her incomplete autobiography, Life in a Jewish Familya confession of her life as much as an apology in the literal sense for being of Jewish descent.
Her next assignment was to prepare Potency and Act for publication, andreas kasper dissertation, a task she accomplished by writing a new book: Finite and Eternal Being — An Ascent to the Meaning of Being. This work proposed a phenomenological doctrine of being Seinslehrewhich knows itself to be Christian, i. as taking Christian Revelation to contribute towards the view of the world in which it looks for and finds the meaning of being in being's unfolding, andreas kasper dissertation.
Stein also worked on Dionysius the Areopagiteandreas kasper dissertation, translating his works into German and writing for him a work supposed to be lost on symbolic theology. Stein's final work, the Science of the Crosswas andreas kasper dissertation commentary on St. John of the Crosswhich developed the specifically Carmelite understanding of the depths of the soul, already of interest to Stein in her early work. Catholicism portal. Andreas kasper dissertation Benedicta of the Cross was beatified as a martyr on 1 May in CologneGermany, by Pope John Paul II and then canonized by him 11 years later on 11 October in Rome.
The miracle that was the basis for her canonization is the cure of Benedicta McCarthy, a little girl who had swallowed a large amount of paracetamol acetaminophenwhich causes hepatic necrosis. The young girl's father, Emmanuel Charles McCarthya priest of the Melkite Greek Catholic Churchimmediately called together relatives and prayed andreas kasper dissertation Teresa's intercession.
Ronald Kleinman, a pediatric specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston who treated the girl, testified about her recovery to Church tribunals, stating: "I was willing to say that it was miraculous.
The place of theory in your dissertation
, time: 21:37Plagiatsaffäre Guttenberg – Wikipedia

Universität Wien Best-Of-The-Best-Ranking (Dissertation): 3. Platz; Mag. Mariella Kasper, BSc. Besprechung von VwGH , /04/ ZVB , (gemeinsam mit Dr. Andreas Gföhler) Autor in Schramm/Aicher/Fruhmann, BVergG Die Liste deutscher Dissertationen mit Plagiaten enthält Doktorarbeiten bekannter Personen an deutschen Universitäten, in denen nachträglich in erheblichem Umfang Plagiate entdeckt worden sind. Sie umfasst nur Fälle, in denen es ausdrücklich wegen des Plagiats zur Aberkennung des akademischen Grades oder zum Verzicht auf den Titel kam.. Liste (Beispiele) Von Andreas Holzem und Volker Leppin "Der uns geliebt hat und gewaschen von den Sünden mit seinem Blut, dem sei Ehre und Gewalt von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit" (Offb 1,5) Neue Single von Kanye West. Vgl
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